Random Blog #4 - Skip school and Canteen Day coming soon and bullies

Hey,what's up?^^How are you doing?I'm fine just about to eat right now.I'll be right back for a sec.I'm back!^^ I eat for like 4 or 5 minutes,I just eat some fish fillets with bread making it like a sandwich^^" So,about today's topic.I skipped school a lot now just because I overslept^^" This week I go to school at Tuesday but Wednesday and today I didn't go to school because I over slept again...So,I thought that I will stay up for the whole night till I have to go to school tomorrow.

My friend is mad at me because I didn't go to school.He said it is boring at school without me because we always talk to each other and we're best friends.Plus,I need to go to school tomorrow to buy a cupon for Canteen Day on Saturday.I'm really looking forward to it because Canteen Day is always fun.There will be some awesome events and I will record at that day with my phone.

So,yeah I do skip school a lot and my school sent me a warning to not skip school except if there is an emergency.Last year I skipped school for 2 months^^" A lot happened that year and I don't know why last year I gotten so lazy to go to school.I like school sometimes because it is fun but sometimes I don't like is either the teacher or its just me being so freaking lazy.But after an important exam is over,it was fun at school.We were making a lot of paper planes and threw them around in our class,it was so much fun^^ .

But this year,I'm in the last class.I do have a few of my friends in the same class as me but my other classmates are a gang of delinquents.They're always causing a lot of trouble even when the teacher is right in front of them.They always singing and banging the table like cavemen,a lot of teachers and students making complaints about my class.They bothered me once during an assembly,they would spank my butt and keep calling me names.They call me names in English because I'm good in English but as they keep doing that I find it funny because they're English is rubbish! XD

Then they bothered me again during another assembly by throwing small rocks at me.I just keep ignoring them,as long it doesn't hurt then I won't hurt them^^" That's just who I am,in class I'm a quiet person but if they hurt me I will hurt them.Now I'm thinking of quiting school and get a job to earn some money for me and my family.My mom and my friends disagree and insist me on continue go to school till it is over(Next year is my final year in my school^^)but I will think about it.Well,that's it for now.Bye and thanks for reading my blogs^^


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