Random Blog #25 - Chapter 3 is out! And be happy!

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing? I'm fine and I still have the cough but I'm getting better^^ .So,as you guys know from the title,I just posted the third chapter of my story so feel free to check it out and I'm so sorry for not making a new post for so long.I'll try make a new post as frequent as possible just let me think of a topic to talk about^^" .

And so guys,the second thing I want to talk about is make yourself happy or be happy.And what I'm trying to say is that if you guys got bullied or some other problems that you have in life,just be cool and try to settle it nicely and not to be stress about which is related to some of my previous posts about stress and raging.I'm not asking you to be always happy like watching a scary movie and you just be happy like it's a comedy Tv show or something (Lol XD) no,that is not what I'm trying to say.

Of course in life you have ups and downs and trust me that everyone,every living person have problems in their lives.And when people can't solve or just run away their problems,they will have no sense of responsibility or something like that. Just be a good person,believe in you religion and to those who doesn't have religions,just ignore if people say bad things to you and just be happy with your life.And I'm sure if you just be happy in life,you will feel that it is worth it to be alive.

Let it be that you're different from others,sooner or later you'll have friends that will support you and make you feel happy. That also goes to our parents,that will do anything to make their children happy and us as children,I'm sure we want to make them feel happy,right?After you been through all sorts of struggles that you had in your life and when you started to become a happy,caring and lovable person you will feel that it is totally worth it to be alive.You get to spend time with your friends,family and this beautiful world.

There are a lot of bumps in our lives,don't beat yourself up and not accept other peoples' hand.There are always people who will stand by you and help you,support you.Life is precious just make sure that it is worth it and never ever give up on the bumps in life because those are steps that help you become a strong and caring person.Appreciate what you have.

That's all I want to say, I give you guys these advices so that you guys won't become like me who thinks that life is hard and sucks and doesn't realize that I have a lot of people here to help me.I don't want you guys to suffer like me,having all the stress and rage will only give you more stress.Thank you all for reading and I see you guys later,bye!^^//


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