Random Blog #30 - Paranormal Activity and My friend Broke His Arm
Hey,guys and good morning,afternoon and night! How are you guys doing? I'm fine just a little bit tired and a little dazed for some reason,haha.So,I finished watching Paranormal Activity 1 to 4 with my mom a few days ago.It was a great movie,the story is good and there are a lot of jumps and scares of course because it is a freaking scary movie! To some of you guys who likes a lot of scary movies if you already watch these movies or maybe some of you haven't watch it yet,be prepared to get trolled a lot in the movie,I'm just saying.
Sometimes the jump scares makes me angry but most of all that I'm angry of is the ghost or the demons that keeps dragging people like a gangster and bite em.I know its just the movie but hey,its normal because we're all like that when we watch something that we are into it but that's besides the point.I also hate when people doing ritual and stuff only just because they want power or just to get rich.I know I have no right to say that just because I don't what they've been through in their lives but you don't have to do that kind of stuff just pray and hopefully you'll get better in life.
Wow,this is getting way too deep^^" All I can say is,I like the movie,it was a thrill and I hope there's going to be another one.There is right? Paranormal Activity:The Marked Ones if I remember correctly.Well,if the movie is out me and my mom are sure to be watching that.Oh,yeah.A friend of mine broke his arm,I don't know when but he just got of hospital,still feel a little pain but he's alright.He fell in one of the bathrooms at his school's hostel.I was shocked and I'm glad he is alright.
Well,that is all for today and I guess you guys noticed how tidy the title is today XD There is nothing special,I just want to change it a little bit.And another thing is Happy Deepavali to all Indians out there,be careful and have an awesome day with your friends and family.See you guys later and have a great day!^^//
Sometimes the jump scares makes me angry but most of all that I'm angry of is the ghost or the demons that keeps dragging people like a gangster and bite em.I know its just the movie but hey,its normal because we're all like that when we watch something that we are into it but that's besides the point.I also hate when people doing ritual and stuff only just because they want power or just to get rich.I know I have no right to say that just because I don't what they've been through in their lives but you don't have to do that kind of stuff just pray and hopefully you'll get better in life.
Wow,this is getting way too deep^^" All I can say is,I like the movie,it was a thrill and I hope there's going to be another one.There is right? Paranormal Activity:The Marked Ones if I remember correctly.Well,if the movie is out me and my mom are sure to be watching that.Oh,yeah.A friend of mine broke his arm,I don't know when but he just got of hospital,still feel a little pain but he's alright.He fell in one of the bathrooms at his school's hostel.I was shocked and I'm glad he is alright.
Well,that is all for today and I guess you guys noticed how tidy the title is today XD There is nothing special,I just want to change it a little bit.And another thing is Happy Deepavali to all Indians out there,be careful and have an awesome day with your friends and family.See you guys later and have a great day!^^//
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