Random Blog #47 - Congrats To A Friend!!

Hey,what's up guys?!^^ How are you guys today... Wait,didn't I just asked the same question...? I think I did... Well in that case, you guys have to answer my question twice then! XD Nah,just kidding.Don't ever do that,it's like you answered a question in your exams but both of your answers are wrong. Okay,what I just said is totally irrelevant and I'm not making these up because I just type with what comes cross to my mind. For example, PVP's new prank^^" I've been thinking about that for a while,I'm not thinking about the prank but at the comments from their fans,Dope Fresh Nation.

Why in the world am I talking about that when I want to talk about my friend who got married! He didn't tell me when so,leave a comment dude! And show me a picture of you and your wife!^^ You don't have to if you don't want to.I feel so happy for him because when I talked to him a few weeks ago or last year,he was depress and I tried to cheer him up.

Thankfully,he got a girlfriend and got married! When he told me that he is already married, I think to myself on how fast time goes by and how people could change.So,I want to tell you guys that everyone deserves to be happy in this world but in order to get that,you must discover it by your own. Of course it would take time but while looking for happiness, you have to realized that there are people who are there by your side.

They will also help you find your happiness as you help them look for theirs.Some might think that life's unfair but does it really? Of course there is pain in our lives but that pain can either be a lesson or something else that can make us a better person.I'm not saying, "Go get hurt and you don't have to school! That'll make you happy,right?" No,I didn't mean that. Pain can either lead to good or bad but it also depends on how the person cure the pain. I'm sorry if what I just said doesn't make any sense at all but I really hope that you guys got my message.

Just be happy in life and appreciate life itself. Everyone aren't meant to be alone.Find the people who cared about you and you'll be happy with them, Just like my friend,he found someone he loved and now he is a happy man.

Congratulations, James. May you have a great family soon!


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