Random Blog #103 - Unorganized Posts And Gonna Be On Hiatus

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing? What are you guys up to by the way? I'm watching some videos when I should study,haha! Don't do that,guys. You gotta study when you have time before it is too late.I think not going to school for eight months has taken a toll on me not physical wise but knowledge wise.I started to feel a little nervous about this upcoming exam.It's really important and if I get lucky,I could go to college or university. I think I might go to a university because there is one that I have in mind.I just hope that they would accept me.

I think I will choose music since that is the only course (That's what we call in our universities,I don't know what you guys call it in your country) that I like.I would also like a course that is good for writers since I like to write sometimes,I might as well learn more and become a good writer or author. To those who already went to college or university,you guys are my senpais so,nice to meet you.My question is,how was your experience on your first day in college or university? I would like to know that I'd be appreciate if you tell me in the comments.

Also,can you guys tell me if there is a way to reorganized my posts? After deleting those three stories,my posts are completely unorganized.If there is no way to make the organized,then I will just leave them like that continue posting as usual. As I'm going to be on hiatus,I will try to post some anime episode in my anime review blog but if I don't have time,I will post and watch the animes after the exam which is at the end of the month of November. Well,I think that is it that I want to tell you guys. I'll see you guys next time so,take care and have a great day!!^^/


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