Random Blog #82 - Second Day Of Fasting And Some Stuff

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine as usual just waiting to break fasting for another 20 minutes or so.My mouth is very dry and I was asleep for six hours from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM because my mom and I had to send her friend to the bus station because his bus leaves at 8:30 AM. We fast at 4:30 AM and since that we stayed up until he send him off. Yesterday,I didn't fast because I was so tired the night before the first day of fasting because I helped my mom moving the furniture at late at night.

I'm looking forward to not skip another day and just fats until Raya. Anyway,enough about that. Let's talk about some other stuff that happened last week.It's a bit personal but I think it's okay to talk about it. It's just some bad news mostly about one of our relative who has passed away because he has bone cancer,I think that is what it's called but correct me if I'm wrong though. I'm just writing this post just to kill time until I break fasting,actually^^". Also, I'm happy that my girlfriend is safe from her trip to France. I've never been there before but I bet it is amazing. I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower and just look at some pictures at the museum.

The reason why I haven't blogging lately is because I spend time with my family and I'm using my mom's computer.I can't make anime reviews because I can't watch anime in her computer.I can't watch anime in her computer because when I open the site,it loads very slow. I'll try to watch anime in my computer and see if I can make an episode review of Fairy Tail. And I think we're not gonna move because we had some problems and we decided to stay here. It's not just we had problems for moving but we have a lot of memories in this house both good and bad.

We'll see if we move or not because my mom and my grandma don't like the landlord's wife,who is a greedy person and a rude person. So,my grandma is looking for another house in my area and see if we will move sooner or later. On side note, I'm sorry if I'm going all over the place maybe it's because I can't think straight and maybe it's because I'm fasting.So,sorry if I confused you guys or make you guys don't understand. Starting from this paragraph, I'm gonna talk about something that has been going on in my mind. So,first of all, why women wear high heels even though they know wearing them will hurt their feet? Do they wear them so they can be taller or look sexy or something? It's not sexy to me^^"

Another thing I want to talk about is AdSense. If you guys don't know,AdSense is something for bloggers like me to make money from our blogs by adding advertisements in our blogs. Last year, I thought of signing up to AdSense when I reached 18 years-old but now I decided not to. Because when I read someone else's blog who has advertisements on their blogs because they use AdSense and because of that,it makes a little hard for use to read their blog because the page doesn't load fast enough and keeps lagging.

Even if I want to sign up AdSense,it will probably not be too worth it because it doesn't make much profit.That's just my opinion if there's a blogger who uses AdSense and made a profit out of it and is reading this,congrats and keep it up. Also,I just break fast a few minutes ago and I'm so full!And I think I'm gonna make some anime reviews on animes that I already watched just to make up for the late episode review and for not blogging much lately. I might make another post on this blog because I have some more stuff to talk about and I don't want to make this post very long. So,I'll see you guys next time and I hope you guys are having an amazing day!^^/ P.S:I made this post on 6/30/14. I saved on drafts because I was busy at that time.Hope this clears some confusions,peace^^/


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