Random Blog #86 - Embarrassing/Funny Moments That Happened In My Life

Hey,guys! How are you guys doing today? I'm fine and well and a little bored while waiting for my girlfriend to get online. I've been sitting around, thinking on what to do then I decided to talk to you guys about my embarrassing or funny moments that happened in my life.Oh,by the way, did you guys like my short story? It was my first short story and I think I will make more before start posting chapters on my other two stories which is, Family and chaos town. I'm currently writing the horror story, Souls Story.It's still in chapter one and I think I'm going to make only ten chapters because at first I want to make it like a novel but I realize that story won't reach that far.

I will post it right after I finished chapter one and please leave me a comment about it. Anyway,let me think about an embarrassing moment...Got it! One time,I accepted a friend request from my friend in Facebook.Usually after I accept friend requests I will say "Thanks for the add" but instead of add,I put 'ass'! I was typing very fast and I just immediately pressed 'Done'. I didn't notice it after a few seconds. I was so embarrassed! And what's worse is my friend is a guy! Lol XD

I kept apologizing to him and he said it's fine. What else...? I just remembered another one which is more embarrassing than the previous one! Whenever the fasting month came,we have a prayer that we do either at the mosque or at home.Wait,I think I already told you guys this. Meh,I'll just tell you guys again. The prayer takes too long and I went to the mosque with my dad and in the middle of the prayer...I peed in my pants...and everyone keeps looking at me.It was so embarrassing! This happened when I was a kid by the way...^^"/

Another funny moment that happened to me was two years ago,I think.I went to the library with my friends to 'study'. Which means not study but just hanging out,lol. Then when the library was closed and we're waiting outside so that our parents can see us and pick us up. My friend told me that a girl touched my butt...A girl touched my butt... Usually a guy touch a girls butt but this time a girl touched my butt and I didn't notice! And one time when I was at the library with my friends,I can see a girl at the corner of my eye and she's trying to take a picture of me.Either me or her friends but I don't see anyone looking at her.

Not gonna brag but I'm not good looking,lol XD It's just strange that a girl would take a picture of me and without me noticing.She didn't ask if she could take my picture,I should report to the cops! Lol,jk^^" Anyway,I think that is it for today before I embarrass myself any longer.I'll see you guys next time and have a great day!^^/ Woohoo! This blog is going to reached 1000 pageviews~!^^


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