Random Blog #116 - 3 Things I Want To Talk About
Hello again, guys! How is your day so far? I'm good, just chillin' as I just ate. So, I wanna talk about a few things. Opera Touch, the Blogger app and (for those who are from Malaysia) MYTV.
Okay, update on my experience with Opera Touch. At first it was okay but later on for some reason, I can't download angthing from the browser. It shows that it's downloading and just stop. So, let's say I want to make a post with a picture. I have to download using Chrome. Just using Chrome to download a picture. And sometimes it's kind of slow. I'm not sure if it's because my network or the browser itself.
Okay, I'm typing and making this post using the Blogger app where people had review that it was basically the worst app alive. And I have used it for a bit. The downside is, you can't look at the stats and personalize your blog. You have to open a browser for that. And another thing. Someone left a review that he wrote an article for hours and had to go to the bathroom. When he came back, it was blank. He unlocked his phone and his article was gone.
I experienced something similar. I saved a post in draft, right? And when I get on the app to continue, it was blank. Besides both of that, the app is okay and I like it. Which also, sorry to go off topic, the Wattpad app also has a lot of bad reviews. I can't remember what they were but some of it were about ads.
I tried my luck with the app because I want to read and also maybe post fan fiction there when I have an idea. It's really not bad. The app will tell you when the ad is coming up after you reading a chapter. Not all the time and certainly, not annoying. When I get on the browser version, I couldn't for the life of me find the buttone to make a story while on the app, it's literally in front of my face. A tinie tiny downside, sometimes there is an ad on the bottom which sometimes I worried I would accidentally click it when I try to swipe up so that I can exit the story or chapter.
And finally, about MYTV. Okag. i loved it because picture looks beautiful and all. But you can't record your shows gives it a negative point. And sometimes I have to hold the remote in a really and specific angle then I can change the angle or even turn it on. And just today, it won't turn on. I didn't buy this at a store, if I did I could ask the store owner to repair it or replace it. But my family got it for free as my mom applied it as she has BSH.
If anyone has any solution on how to fix it, please let me know. Thanks!
And that is all for this post! Thank you for stopping by and listened to what I want to say. By the way, just out of curiosity. What is your favorite ad or music in an ad. Mine is the phua Chu Kang Shoppe ad, Nippon Paint ad because I don't why I love the song so freaking much, and the Oreo ad the song in Malay. So random, WTH? XD Okay, bye guys!
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